The math team from Ocosta High School had an awesome time at the Regional Math Competition at Raymond High School. Six super smart students went to the contest with math teacher, Kelly Mellott. They are Zach Montes De Oca, Vova Kuchera, Maddie Schaffer, Quinn Leonard, Michael Priest, and Gray Bearden. They did all sorts of cool math challenges!
There were team problems where students worked together. Vova and Maddie teamed up and won 1st place – yay! Gray and Zach also did great and got 2nd place. In the individual contests, where students worked alone, our Ocosta students shined again. Maddie got 1st place for the juniors and Vova got 2nd. For the freshmen, Michael came in 1st and Quinn got 2nd.
Then there was the Knockdown part. It was super exciting! Maddie won 1st place, Michael got 2nd, and Vova was ready as an alternate.
Maddie, Vova, Michael, and Quinn are now getting ready to go to the State Math Competition. It's going to be on April 20th at Central Washington University in Ellensburg. Maddie and Vova will work as a team, and the others will compete by themselves.
Good luck to our Ocosta math stars! We're all cheering for you!