We are excited to share that the Ocosta School District (OSD) and the Timberland Regional Library (TRL) have formed a new partnership to provide students access to a wider range and depth of information via the library's vast electronic services collection. The "MyTRL" program, which is scheduled to launch January 23, 2023, will give our students access to the public library's large and updated collection of research resources, eBooks, digital magazines, downloadable music, videos, and homework assistance.
Students will be able to view and checkout electronic library resources that are automatically returned when due, so no fines will incur. Students can also upgrade their online-only library card to a “regular” library card with the parent's permission and verification of the address and contact information. We encourage parents and guardians to be actively involved in assisting and monitoring their child's use of TRL online resources outside of school.
Students who already have a regular TRL card may have it merged with their new "MyTRL" card at any TRL location. Parents may choose to opt-out of the "MyTRL" program before it launches on January 23rd or any time after that by logging into their child's Skyward account.
We are very excited about this new partnership and look forward to hearing how this new tool will enhance student learning in our District.
Please contact the district if you have any questions. (360-268-9125 ext. 1002)